A ceremony to Praise the Printed works of Islamist Pioneers and Writers was held

چهارشنبه ۱۴۰۲/۳/۳ - ۱۳:۲۳
A ceremony to Praise the Printed works of Islamist Pioneers and Writers was held


Yesterday, the Department of Information and Culture of Maidan Wardak province held a ceremony in honor of the writers and Islamic pioneers who other than military fighting, fought with their pens in the last 20 years of Jihad in Wardak University. .
In this celebration, the book named "Chape Suhar" by the author Maulvi Ziaul Haque Hassan was praised
Also, another writer of the Islamic struggle, Mullah Akif Emarati, published a collection of poems called "Azadi Vaghme" and wrote epic poems about freedom, the achievements of the Mujahedeen and the feelings of the fighting youth, and was praised.
Later, the governor of the said province Alhaj Qari Bakhtiar Moaz said, it is a blessing of your holy struggle that today we are gathering in an academic meeting under the umbrella of a complete Islamic system. Mr. Moaz asked all writers and authors to work together to avoid the evil culture of caste, language and sectarianism.
Later, the police chief of this province, Sheikh Al-Qur'an and Al-Hadith Muhammad Sharif Halimi, praised the efforts of the Islamist writers and pioneers who have depicted the horrors of the invaders in written form.
In the final part of the ceremony, the Director of Information and Culture, Maulvi Habibullah Mujahid, said, "Thanks be to Allah that today we are participating with our veteran fighters in an atmosphere of peace." Your struggles and sacrifices are unforgettable, the Department of Information and Culture appreciates the efforts of all your writers, youths and cultural workers and is committed to all kinds of cooperation with you in this field.
It is worth noting that besides the books “Chapa Sohar”, and “Azadi Vaghme”, author Maulvi Abdul Samad's “Tohfa Al-Nikah” and Amin Wardak's books titled “Fazah and Kayinat” (Space and Universe) were also praised.

تازه ترین اخبار

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۲۵ - ۲۰:۱۶
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نشست هماهنگی با سخن‌گویان ادارات امارتی ولایت نیمروز برگزار شد

از سوی ریاست اطلاعات و فرهنگ ولایت نیمروز نشست هماهنگی با سخن‌گویان ادارات امارتی و نمایندگان مطبوعاتی جهت ایجاد روابط دوجانبه به سرپرستی الحاج مفتی حبیب‌الله الهام رییس این ریاست. . .

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۲۵ - ۱۸:۵۸
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وزیر اطلاعات و فرهنگ با آلبرت الساس شارژدافیر کشور ناروی برای افغانستان دیدار کرد

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پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۲۵ - ۱۳:۲۷
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معین گرځندوی، مالی و اداری در رأس یک هیأت به ولایت بغلان سفر کرد

پنج‌شنبه مورخ(۱۴ شعبان ۱۴۴۶) مولوی قدرت الله جمال معین گرځندوی، مالی و اداری وزارت اطلاعات و فرهنگ، مولوی نقیب الله نعمان رییس امور کارکنان این وزارت و هیأت همراهش در جریان سفر به ولایت. . .