The Deputy Minister for Tourism, Finance, and Administration traveled to the city of Aybak

سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۳۰ - ۱۰:۵۵

On Tuesday, February 18, 2025 (19 Sha’ban 1446), Mawlawi Qudratullah Jamal, the Deputy Minister for Tourism, Finance, and Administration at the Ministry of Information and Culture, led a delegation to Aybak, the capital of Samangan province. During this visit, he met with Mawlawi Firozuddin Munib, the Director of Information and Culture, and department staff.

At the beginning of the meeting, Director Mawlawi Firozuddin Munib welcomed the delegation and emphasized the historical significance of Samangan, describing it as one of Afghanistan’s most culturally rich provinces. He highlighted that the province is home to 129 ancient sites, sacred places, and shrines, all officially registered with the Ministry of Information and Culture, which underscores their cultural and historical importance. He also addressed the state of media in the province, noting that radio, television, and print media operate by the policies of the Islamic Emirate.

Deputy Minister Mawlawi Qudratullah Jamal stated that his visit aimed to assess and address the challenges faced by the provincial Information and Culture departments. He emphasized that such visits are part of the ministry’s strategic plan to identify shortcomings, enhance efficiency, and resolve administrative issues.

Additionally, he stressed the importance of media and publications, asserting that media outlets should align their activities with government policies to ensure effective and coordinated dissemination of information.


تازه ترین اخبار

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