Officials of the Ministry of Information and Culture explained their one-year achievements in the program of explaining the one-year achievements of Emirati institutions.  

ثلاثاء, سبتمبر 17 2024 4:27 مساء

Tuesday (14th of Rabi Al-Awwal 1446) Ministry of Information and Culture Deputy Minister of Tourism, Financial and Administrative Affairs Mawlavi Qudratullah Jamal, Deputy Minister for Publishing Affairs Mawlavi Hayatullah Mohajer Farahi, Deputy Minister of Art and Culture Mawlavi Atiqullah Azizi, and Deputy Minister for Youth Affairs Qari Mohammad Yunus Rashid presented their one-year achievements in the program, which aimed to highlight the accomplishments of various Emirati institutions.
The Deputy Ministry of Tourism, Finance, and Administration has signed contracts worth 130 million Afghanis with 19 domestic companies and has welcomed 9,000 foreign tourists to historical, religious, and recreational sites. Additionally, the ministry has registered 3,000 tourism companies and is actively working on constructing hotels in Paktya, Kapisa, Zazi Aryob, Noristan, and Ghor provinces to enhance tourism services and also work on the digitalization of the tourism industry.
Mawlvi Hayatullah Mohajer Farahi, Deputy Minister of Broadcasting Affairs, highlighted the ministry's accomplishments, including the initiation of online distribution of media licenses and the finalization of the support fund for journalists. The ministry has also printed 18 different types of the Holy Quran in Pashto, Dari, and Pashai languages and is working on publishing Quranic rules and the Quran's 30th chapter into dozens of languages. Furthermore, more than 370 video and audio media houses are active, and the Deputy Ministry is ensuring the protection of journalists' rights and financial support by distributing special identification cards to 620 journalists, and the Deputy Ministry is overseeing the duet of the frequencies, with the Prime Minister House to arrange into the installment or completely cut off.
Minister of Youth Affairs, Qari Muhammad Yunus Rashid, discussed the achievements of the deputy Ministry of Youth Affairs, which include signing discount agreements with 100 universities and providing free or discounted education to 1581 young people. Free education has been provided; 1787 youths have been provided education at a discount of 20% to 90%; 14000 youths have benefited from 18 capacity building centers; 43807 youths participated in sirat nabawi and emirate identification self-assessment tests; and 23,380 young people have graduated from the educational center of the Ministry of Youth Affairs. 75 million Afghanis have been collected by volunteers for the victims of the Herat earthquake and flood victims of Baghlan. 310 cultural and educational seminars have been held for the youth in the whole country, and capacity building and providing services to the youth in educational, professional, and vocational fields, creating training programs in the fields of employment and economic empowerment, conducting training seminars in the areas of improving the personality and character of the youth, and intellectual reform are important activities of the youth affairs department.
Maulavi Atiqullah Azizi, Deputy Minister of Art and Culture, shared the accomplishments of the Deputy Ministry of Art and Culture, such as the discovery of 57 ancient sites in the digging process of the Qoshtapa Canal; after that, 400 ancient cities imaginary GPS maps were prepared; and the prevention of smuggling of historical artifacts. Additionally, the deputy ministry has conducted a scientific survey of 400 ancient sites and is working on the restoration of historical vessels.
Furthermore, Mr. Azizi addressed the concerns about the historical minaret of Jam, clarifying that a device worth one million dollars has been installed to prevent its collapse.
The text ends with two dates: 1403/6/27 and 2024/9/17. 993 pieces of historical artifacts have been sent to the National Museum for diagnosis.
The National Museum has registered 2,410 pieces of historical artifacts from different periods; 416 pieces of historical artifacts have been prevented from being smuggled at the airport and customs; the restoration works of 13 historical vessels are in progress; and the documents of 196 volumes of the National Archives have been restored.
Mr. Azizi added that a scientific survey of 400 ancient sites has been conducted in 14 provinces; 371 new ancient sites have been discovered, and scientific surveys will be conducted this year. There is no truth in the rumors that the historical minaret of Jam is facing the threat of collapse. The Ministry of Information and Culture sent a delegation there, and after the visit and observation, it was revealed that there was no serious threat of collapse to the said minaret. Recently, a device worth one million dollars has been installed there to verify the said minaret.


تازه ترین اخبار

ثلاثاء, سبتمبر 17 2024 9:58 مساء
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وفي هرات تم عقد الاجتماع التنسيقي الثاني مع المتحدثين الرسميين بالمنطقة الغربية

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اثنين, سبتمبر 16 2024 9:04 مساء
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وفي هرات تم عقد اجتماع تنسيقي مع المتحدثين الرسميين بالمنطقة الغربية

  يوم الاثنين (13 ربيع الأول 1446) تم عقد اجتماع تنسيقي مع المتحدثين الرسميين للجهات الحكومية بالمنطقة الغربية بولاية هرات من قبل إدارة الوصول إلى المعلومات بوزارة الإعلام والثقافة.
. . .

جمعة, سبتمبر 13 2024 3:31 مساء
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تلعب الدبلوماسية الثقافية دورًا فعالًا في توسيع العلاقات بين الشعوب

يوم الجمعة (العاشر من ربيع الأول 1446هـ)، إلتقى معالي وزير الإعلام والثقافة بوزيرة الثقافة الروسية أولغا لوبيموفا، وذلك على هامش اجتماع اتحاد الثقافات.

ورحبت السيدة لوبيموفا بالوفد. . .