The Museum of the Department of Information and Culture of Ghor Province was Opened

Firouzkoh, 1st of March,2023, Website.
Today morning, with the presence of representatives of leadership of the province, officials of civil and military departments, cultural people, youth, and the media, the Museum of Information and Culture was officially opened and started to operate.
Maulvi Abdul Hai Zaim, the Director of information and culture of Ghor, said that previously, several historical and ancient artifacts from the pre-Islamic and post-Islamic periods were kept in this directorate, but a museum that can store historical and ancient artifacts in a proper and standard way did not exist in this department.
He also said that as a result of the efforts of the leadership of this department and the cooperation of the ministry, for the first time, the management of the museum was established within the framework of this department and the museum of this province began to operate.
The Director of Information and Culture said that they are determined to collect all the historical and ancient works of this province and display them in this museum.
Mullah Nizamuddin Nizami, Manager of the Museum of Ghor's Department of Information and Culture, said that currently 169 items of historical and ancient artifacts from different periods are kept in this museum, especially from the Ghorian and Ghaznavid periods. He also stated that this museum is open to citizens, visitors and tourists every day.
Meanwhile, this was the first Museum that has been established in Ghor province which exhibits ancient and historical artifacts.
On the other hand, the citizens of Ghori welcomed the establishment of the museum management under the framework of the Ghor’s Department of Information and Culture and said that this ancient region has many historical and ancient monuments since many ancient and historical empires and governments have been in this historical province.