Minister of Information and Culture Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwah participated in a Mushaira titled Nargis Gul (Flower)

سبت, فبراير 03 2024 2:46 مساء

Yesterday, the Department of Information and Culture of Nangarhar organized a magnificent nargis flower parade in Khogyana Mamla historical garden, in which the Minister of Information and Culture Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwah, Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs Qari Muhammad Yunus Rashid, a number of ministries and provincial representatives, civil and military officials, district governors, university professors, writers and lovers of poetry and literature, hundreds of young people and local residents participated.
  Youth Affairs Manager Qari Muhammad Asif Zaheer on behalf of the Department of Information and Culture said: “Nargis Gul Mushaira was held for the first time in 1393, which is now held every year in the same season by the Department of Information and Culture.”
Acting Minister of Information and Culture Mr. Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwah said in his speech: “I am grateful to the knowledge-loving people of Nangarhar, who have always organized literary programs and mushairas for the lovers of academy and literature, which today in the historical garden of Mamla. We witnessed the organization of the Nargis Gul festival.”
The Minister advised all the poets and writers to write such poems and writings in accordance with the values of Islam and authentic Afghan culture, which contain the messages of the past heroes of the country to the future generations.
  In his speech, Mr. Rashid, Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs of the said Ministry, thanked Qari Ehsanullah Sajid, Director of Information and Culture of Nangarhar and his working team, and said: "It is a very happy place, that today in the secure atmosphere we freely participate in this festival, which shows itself as a free and independent country.”
He said; “The building of a country requires four important basic components, independence, security, justice and economic strength, which fortunately, all these components are available in the current system.”
Mr. Qari Rashid called on all the youth, writers and poets, that alhamdulillah, we have defeated all the infidel powers in the military field, but now is the time of intellectual and financial struggle, we must take steps in this struggle as well, so that we can be prove to the world that afghans are not inferior to anyone in pen.
After that, the mushaira started, in addition to the poets of different regions of Nangarhar, the national and epic poet Mutiullah Tarab and several other famous poets read their written poems and some singers sang their songs to the participants.


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