The Destruction of Historic Qamouk Fort was Prevented in Sar-e-Pul Province

اثنين, يونيو 05 2023 6:08 مساء

Mufti Umair Sarpuli, Director of Information and Culture of Sarpul, says that he has visited the said fort in order to prevent the destruction of the cultural heritage of Sar-e-pul.
He says that Qamouk Fort is one of the cultural heritage of Sar-e-pul province, which is officially registered with the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Mufti Umair Sarpuli has warned the people living behind the fort that arbitrarily digging at any point is considered a crime according to the Cultural Heritage Protection Act, while all cultural and historical artifacts are under the series surveillance and protection by the Department of Information and Culture in coordination with the security and investigation agencies.


تازه ترین اخبار

أربعاء, ديسمبر 04 2024 7:30 مساء
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أربعاء, ديسمبر 04 2024 7:21 مساء
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اثنين, ديسمبر 02 2024 11:05 صباحا
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ذكر مولوي عتيق الله عزيزي، نائب وزيرلشؤون الفن والثقافة بوزارة الإعلام والثقافة، في لقائه مع مستشار السفارة القطرية في كابول، مرديف القشوتي، أن أفغانستان قد حققت العديد من الإنجازات في. . .