Results Announced for the Seerat-un-Nabi and Islamic History Competition Among Pul-e-Charkhi Prison Inmates

أربعاء, فبراير 26 2025 11:01 صباحا

In a collaborative effort between the Bayhaqi Book Publishing Directorate, part of the Ministry of Information and Culture, and the Correctional Administration of Prisons, the results of the Seerat-un-Nabi (Biography of the Prophet) and Islamic History competition have been officially announced. The competition involved 450 inmates at Pul-e-Charkhi Prison, and the top 15 participants were recognized and honored for their outstanding performance.

During the event, Mohajir Farahi, the deputy minister for Publications at the Ministry of Information and Culture, emphasized that prisons are no longer just detention facilities; they have been transformed into places of education and rehabilitation. He highlighted those inmates now have access to religious education, academic training, and vocational skills, which enables them to use their time productively. He also noted that, unlike in the past, prisoners are now granted their rights and are provided with a dignified living environment.

Mawlawi Nazar Mohammad Nasiri, the Director of Education, Rehabilitation, and Training at the Correctional Administration, elaborated on the diverse educational programs available to inmates. He explained that inmates receive Islamic teachings, modern education, vocational training, and participate in sports activities that align with Islamic values and principles. Additionally, the Bayhaqi Book Publishing Directorate has ensured that inmates have access to educational resources, with plans to introduce further courses on Tafsir (Quranic exegesis), faith-based education, and religious studies during the holy month of Ramadan.

During the ceremony, Mawlawi Izzatullah Abid, the Head of Quranic Writing at the Bayhaqi Book Publishing Directorate, highlighted the significance of studying the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He stated that understanding the Seerat-un-Nabi is crucial for personal, intellectual, and spiritual development, and he encouraged inmates to apply these teachings in their daily lives.

Since the return of the Islamic Emirate to power, prisons across Afghanistan have been transformed into centers of learning and skill development. These initiatives aim to equip inmates with religious, ideological, vocational, and academic knowledge, ensuring they can reintegrate into society as educated and skilled individuals upon their release. 

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تازه ترین اخبار

أربعاء, فبراير 26 2025 10:50 صباحا
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تم تنظيم برنامج ثقافي لتشجيع الشعراء والكتاب

بتعاون وزارة الإعلام والثقافة ومكتب يوناما ومنظمة ESA، تم تنظيم برنامج ثقافي في المكتبة العامة لتشجيع الشعراء والكتاب،حضر هذا البرنامج عدد من الشخصيات البارزة مثل مولوي عتيق الله عزيزي،. . .

أربعاء, فبراير 26 2025 10:11 صباحا
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تم إعلان نتائج امتحان مسابقة السيرة النبوية والتاريخ الإسلامي لنزلاء سجن تشرخي جسر (چرخي پل )

 تم الإعلان عن نتائج مسابقة السيرة النبوية والتاريخ الإسلامي لـ ٤٥٠ من نزلاء سجن تشرخي جسر (چرخي پل) بالتعاون مع رئاسة مكتبة البيهقي للنشر والتوزيع بوزارة الإعلام والثقافة وهيئة إصلاح. . .

ثلاثاء, فبراير 25 2025 5:17 مساء
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لقاء معالي وزير الإعلام والثقافة مع سفير

يوم الثلثاء (26 شعبان 1446 هـ)، التقى معالي وزير الإعلام والثقافة الحاج ملا خيرالله خيرخواه في مكتبه بسفير اليابان تاكايوشي كورومايا، بحضور نائب وزير لشؤون الفن والثقافة مولوي عتيق الله. . .