The Deputy Minister of Broadcasting paid a visit to Samangan Province

جمعة, مايو 31 2024 7:11 مساء

During his visit to Samangan province on Thursday (21 Zul Qada 1445), Mawlavi Hayatullah Mohajer Farahi, Deputy Minister of Broadcasting for the Ministry of Information and Culture, met with the head of the Department of Information and Culture, Mawulavi Ferozuddin Munib.

Mawlavi Firuzuddin Munib, the head of information and culture in Samangan province, welcomed Mr. Farahi and stated that Samangan is an ancient region with various customs and hundreds of historical and ancient sites.

Mr. Munib also discussed the achievements of the government and private media in Samangan province, as well as sharing information on media challenges. 

The Deputy Minister of Broadcasting, Mawlavi Hayatullah Mohajer Farahi, discussed the Department of Information's press efforts.

Maulvi Hayatullah Mohajer Farahi, Deputy Minister of Broadcasting, discussed the press activities of Samangan Province's Department of Information and Culture and the media, pledging cooperation from all parties. 

It is worth noting that Mr. Farahi visited all of the Department of Information and Culture's branches, as well as the public library, and donated some of his books to inspire students.


تازه ترین اخبار

أربعاء, يناير 08 2025 8:30 مساء
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ف. . .

أربعاء, يناير 08 2025 8:25 مساء
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لقاء رئيس رئاسة حماية القيم الجهادية وفريقه برئيس الإعلام والثقافة بمحافظة ننجرهار

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أربعاء, يناير 08 2025 10:20 صباحا
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انعقاد الاجتماع حول تسمية الأماكن التاريخية والشوارع والتقاطعات في البلاد

تحت قيادة مولوي عتيق الله عزيزي نائب وزير الفن والثقافة بوزارة الإعلام والثقافة، تم عقد اجتماع دوري للجنة تسمية الأماكن التاريخية والشوارع والتقاطعات في البلاد.
في البداية قدم المشاركون. . .