Deputy Minister of Tourism, Finance, and Administrative Affairs visited the National Archives and the Tarnah and Taranom Departments.

اثنين, أكتوبر 28 2024 12:11 مساء

Deputy Minister of Tourism, Financial, and Administrative Affairs of the Ministry of Information and Culture, Mawlavi Qudratullah Jamal, along with the Head of Human Resources, Mawlawi Naqeebullah Noman, and Ministry Spokesman Qari Khabib Ghafran, visited the National Archives and the Departments of Tarana and Anthem. 

During his visit to the National Archives, Deputy Minister Jamal made recommendations to the staff regarding the better protection of artifacts. Mawlvi Amanullah Mustaghfir, the head of the Tarana and tarnom departments, along with Qari Obaidullah Hanif, the director of the National Archives, updated the deputy minister on their departments' activities and achievements.

It is important to note that Mawlavi Qudratullah Jamal regularly visits related institutions within the Ministry of Information and Culture to enhance work processes, coordination, and cooperation.


تازه ترین اخبار

اثنين, ديسمبر 02 2024 11:05 صباحا
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